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Life and technology: the reason of us being here

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I have to take a rest on writing after the MWC. Too much technology, too much people, too much work…I needed perspective to share with you what really made this MWC different from others, different from last year´s one. So let´s go!!

1. The world is liquid... as Bauman says and there are less and less difference between visiting a devices manufacturer stand, a telco or a consultancy one because all of them were selling IoT either for the B2B or for the B2C.

2. It is the year of the Iot... yes!! Solutions for everyone. Industrial solutions, public administrations ( Smart Cities , Smart Metering ) , Smart everything

3. The secret in blended Iot for residential has arrived and it has been finally been mixed with luxury. Walking into Samsung, Sony ( yes Sony ), Huawei…it was like walking around the luxury floors in El Corte Ingles or Macys …Beautiful showcases with gadgets that now you desire, you dream to have. I understood why years ago, Apple hired the  Angela Ahrendts, to bring luxury spirit into technology world, mixing worlds. Unfortunately I don´t know if this time, Apple designed the right watch or may be Samsung one is more user friendly…market will speak…

4. Virtual reality glasses…Not one single use case in the MWC …Sorry about that. I was surprised about the big boom on Virtual Reality Glasses, and I am sure, they will have their moment. But honestly, I did not see a used case that could justify being absolutely isolated from the world. I enjoyed the glasses for 10 minutes, and I was able to fly over NY, over a beautiful site and even ride a F1 car…fun but useful? will like to better understand how they will find their way into the massive market

Back home in Madrid, I needed to disconnect from technology and I started to read a totally different book from my late reads, written by a neurologist  right before his retirement » DO NOT HARM «Primum non nocere in latin, is a book about a man who dedicated his live to face brain damage through surgery. As all great doctors, he made many mistakes and sharing those and also many beautiful stories, he bares his soul and the way he matures as a doctor and as a human being. 

When I read how Dtr Marsh entered the brain for surgery, as a magical trip through feelings, thoughts, knowledge…I could not stop thinking how far we often are of the things than really matter, basically LIFE. Medicine is the science that will be impacted the most by technology. I really don´t know what will happen and how long will take for us to be inmortal but I will really will like to know how we will be using technology, and MWC environment to focus on improving the diagnosis of illness, providing a better future for the people who are sick, reducing pain, improving quality of live and using technology to minimice doctor´s mistakes as the ones Dtr Marsh describes…Integrating technology in an smart way, not adding complexity to the medical processes, doing doctors life´s easier we will make patients life happier, longer and healthier

I dream in a day where people wont die from cancer as do today. Where pain will not exist and where doctors will fell the power of technology in a seamless and much more natural way.

This is not just about fighting death but about improving life quality as much as we and technology can.